

  • Cold pressed
  • Keeping your body hydrated
  • Highest concentrations of antioxidants
  • Packed with soluble fiber

Angela Casara


Call/ WhatsApp to place an order

+27 84 535 8857

Family Pack

*Choose 4 flavours
In stock
Product Details

Choose a selection 24 different juices of your choice.

*Capped at 6 juices per flavour

R100 Delivery fee within Gauteng
R185 Delivery fee all regions outside of Gauteng

Family Pack

No added sugar

100% natural with flavour and freshness.


Everyone loves a fresh and cold glass of juice right?

But what are the essential benefits of freshly squeezed juice to keep you healthy and happy!

Raw & unpasturized.

Packed with soluble fiber that supports good bacteria growth and digestive health.

No added preservatives.

Keeping the nutritional value of the juice you drink.

No added sugar.

Filled with natural sugars that help your body produce energy and provides your body with more vitamins, minerals, and other nutritional compounds.

We are Level 1 B-BBEEE,

100% Black Women Owned


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